New York State Nail Salon Inspections

An interesting article in the January 11, 2015 of the Journal News Sunday section deals with salon inspections in the state of New York.

Featuring comments from two salons, NY Jungle Salon in Tappan and Belle Visage in Mount Kisco, the article outlines increased awareness of the sanitation practices in nail salons within the state. In the past, on site inspections of the salons focused mainly on the posting of operator licenses with emphasis on the photo required to be on the displayed paperwork.

Owners couldn't really recall being asked about sanitary practices. This became an issue in September after New York City Public Advocate Letitia James proposed that the city take over inspections of nail salons to ensure greater sanitary and workplace health compliance.

Properly disinfecting equipment and tools is important to prevent the spread of lice and infections like Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, commonly known as MRSA.

Dermatologists advise visiting a salon prior to making an appointment to receive services. Clients have left salons and spas that they consider dirty or cluttered. In a industry devoted to the appearance of our customers, the outward signs of maintaining the highest standards of cleanliness and organization ensure that we also provide piece of mind in knowing that you won't leave a salon with perfectly polished yet horribly infected extremities.

Read the whole article at The Journal News website.

There is a companion side article that advises clients what they should be looking out for in the businesses that should be as concerned about their clients health as they are about what color they choose for their toenails.

Make sure you take note of what clients are being told to look for by reading this article at The Journal News.

Salon Interiors carries a full assortment of sanitizing equipment so you and your staff has the utmost confidence you are working with tools that are medical grade clean.

Ep-Ray UV Sanitizer
Epi-Ray UV Sanitizer

[schema type="product" url="" name="Epi Ray Sterilizer" description="Counter-top UV sanitizer for manicure and styling tool sanitation." price="$170.00" condition="New" prod_id="Epi-Ray UV Sterilizer" price="$189.00" condition="New" ]

Ultra Violet Sanitizer
136 Ultra Violet Sanitizer

[schema type="product" url="" name="136 UV Sterilizer" description="Counter-top UV sanitizer for manicure and styling tool sanitation." price="$89.00" condition="New" prod_id="UV Sterilizer" price="$189.00" condition="New" ]

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