Work Smarter

Salon Interiors is always enhancing the capabilities of our wood shop. Our cabinetmakers have many years of experience, and when joined with the latest advances in modern wood working equipment (and some older technology such as our Direct Drive Planer) the results are guaranteed to be the highest quality in the industry.

By combining the eye of a craftsman with the precision of computer aided production, we can ensure that our work is always the perfect blend of precision and beauty.

Which brings us to Dan.

Dan Warner

Dan Warner has been with us for about a year now. He's great to work with, friendly, outgoing and has become one of the company's most valuable assets.

And he's getting better all the time.

Dan is attending the Manufacturing Technology Course at Bergen Community College. With an already impressive skill set, he is adding to his arsenal the study of computerized wood working machinery, the finer points of material properties, proper tool selection and use, with a dash of AutoCAD and drafting.

He's also the married father of an adorable baby boy, and a fitness and tattoo enthusiast. With the completion of this course at BCC, he becomes an even more valuable member of the Salon Interiors team, and one more reason why we take pride in the work our wood shop produces.

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